To view a full portfolio of the work produced by Kevin please contact him to arrange a meeting.
Just a few examples of previous work for clients

The English National Opera annual review is a fully interactive online document and an interactive pdf.
Click on the image to open the low resolution pdf or view it on the ENO website here
Promotional pieces designed and produced for publishing clients. Pack shots were not available so needed to be created.

Web Banners
Web banners and buttons at various sizes for all English National Opera productions.
The key to web banners is to get the message across in less than 3 seconds so the key information needs to be stripped down to the basics as well as being instantly visible.

Company brands and products all need a well thought through logo which not only transmits the brand id but can be flexible enough to be translated to a variety of product applications.

Often overlooked, the value of a newsletter, periodical or magazine cannot be ignored. Whilst online reference is certainly invaluable today, the stayablity of the printed page is as strong as ever and as such deserves every bit of effort put into it to enhance the readers experience.
Kevin has worked on various magazines and publications for many years both in the corporate and commercial sectors.

Not only do catalogues need to impart crutial information in a clear and concise manner but they need to appeal to the audience they are aimed at.
Beautiful exciting graphics may well appeal to the marketing team but if they overpower the readability of the products and confuse the consumer then the damage they can do can sometimes be irreversable. At the same time the catalogue is a sales tool that may need to work hard for a full year without becoming dull and boring. Understanding the way a catalogue works is vital in designing it.