Design and creation of a new display unit for Stephanie Meyer

Business Matters. Regular trade brochure/newsletter aimed at the hotelier market.

CAKE DAYS: Visualising various POS elements prior to production

Logo development and design

Full page corporate advertising in various trade magazines.

A4 press advertising

Low cost shelving unit for book display POS

Various promotional campaigns and brochures

A series of ads promoting a series backlist of titles including a low-key competition.

A monthly range of Electronic Sales Kits for internal presentations
​ of work
for PAST

News and Natter was a regular newsletter aimed at female saga fiction fans. The easily identifiable look is specifically aimed at this market and whilst it may not be the most beautiful project it was extremly well recieved and ran for a number of years. CLIENT: Headline Books
International Highlights Catalogue created bi-annualy to preview forthcoming titles at various bookfairs and shows. CLIENT : Orion Publishing