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freelance design | artwork | designer | Slough


"It looks big enough on screen."

An image that fills your screen can look lovely, but your monitor resolution is 72ppi (pixels per inch) and even with a 27" screen size of 1920 x 1080 when you come to use that image for print it will be reproduced at 300dpi (dots per inch), which means that lovely big photo you supplied has a maximum reproduction size of 6.5" x 3.6". 
The image above approximates the difference between 300 (left half) and 72 (right half) if printed. 

freelance design | artwork | designer | Slough


Pick any Two.

Even though we all like to feel we can achieve all three elements here, experience has taught me that something inevitably will give-out in the end. Decide which element is most important to you, then which of the other two is most relevant to your schedule or budget. But a fast, inexpensive project can still be very good, and a great, quick job needn't break the bank - it's all about priorities.

freelance design | artwork | designer | Slough


"It doesn't match what I saw on screen!" 

With our ability to approve images and artwork on screen via pdf these days, just a word of warning to be aware that monitors cannot exactly reproduce some colours specified for print, and those lovely bright vibrant colours that you see on screen may not be able to reproduce exactly the same when it is printed on a 4-colour press. With years of specifying for print and dealing with printers, Kevin is fully aware of these pitfalls and issues and obviously flags-up any potential problems.


freelance design | artwork | designer | Slough

"A lovely image"

Another key point and one that often gets flagged up is to try to be aware at the start of any project how many variations may be required from a selected image. This is especially true nowdays with web ads and buttons which seem to come in every conceivable shape and
size. So when supplying an image and text for the initial design or layout make your photographer/ designer aware of what sort of sizes the ad may need to be – it will save shocks and scares later on I promise.

freelance design | artwork | designer | Slough

I will update and add to these hints and tips on a regular basis. If you want to follow them or just keep in touch with what is happening please click the button below

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